by Joseph
Out in the glorious suburb of Walnut Creek, the wealthy are able to ignore the injustice of the world. There they are distracted by promises of endless consumption; new toys, new gadgets and the latest fashion. This consumption allows them to ignore the rest of the world and ignore the fact that much of the suffering in the world is due to the existence of capitalism. Consumption of natural resources, such as oil, used to create all these unnecessary items is behind much of the world’s problems. Yet those in power are only concerned about a constant flow of oil pumped out of the Middle East and into the ever expanding consumption habits of the United States; all the while, corporations make a huge profit.
In Walnut Creek, consumption allows them to ignore the rest of the world and ignore the fact that much of the suffering in the world is due to the existence of capitalism.

March 15th, 2008, was the third permitted anti-war protest in Walnut Creek. While the majority of the participants were obediently walking on the sidewalks, a small group of radicals took to the streets. We passed through a few parts of town that the permitted march did not, to the shock and cheers of shoppers. Afterwards we ended in the same park that the permitted march ended their rally, where we were greeted with much positive feedback from those who marched on the sidewalk. It was a small step in bringing more actions into Contra Costa County.
Trash Orchestra was there.
1 comment:
hey-i'm excited to hear that. i went to WC on Mar 15 a couple years back and it was verrrry polite and side-walk oriented. i'm glad to hear that the liberals are being stirred up. now-try doing that in Antioch, Contra Costa County, and i will be really impressed :)
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